este atât de nedrept cum îmi plâng toate lacrimile din cauza ta. indiferent de ce mă face să plâng. nu crezi? și este atât de nedrept cum îmi râd toate râsetele datorită ție. indiferent de cine mă face să râd. crezi?
cum o fi să nu mai alergăm unul după altul și să ne oprim? trebuie să recunosc, am cam obosit.
ai putea să-ți deschizi brațele pentru mine? așa, măcar dacă am continua să alergăm, aș ști că există două brațe care mă așteaptă, indiferent de ce se întâmplă cu mine. câteodată, doar iluziile mă mai împing în față. noi ce avem aici?
joi, 20 iunie 2013
joi, 6 iunie 2013
not so grey
i guess it is ok to be confused. and to explore. and to think you're grey, when all you are is white. or black.
i guess being grey is a whole lot of fun. and as much as i wish i were grey, there's not enough black in me for it to happen. i am just too white. and it started to really take its toll on me, this obsession of constantly searching for black spots. i guess it is time for me to stop. because wanting to become grey makes me forget about being white.
i miss snow. a lot. and the cherry flowers. and your teeth. i miss white. i am white.
i guess being grey is a whole lot of fun. and as much as i wish i were grey, there's not enough black in me for it to happen. i am just too white. and it started to really take its toll on me, this obsession of constantly searching for black spots. i guess it is time for me to stop. because wanting to become grey makes me forget about being white.
i miss snow. a lot. and the cherry flowers. and your teeth. i miss white. i am white.
duminică, 2 iunie 2013
luni, 27 mai 2013
not to them.
all you will ever need
is to love yourself,
before them.
miercuri, 8 mai 2013
sâmbătă, 4 mai 2013
but have you ever met someone and said to yourself - 'yes, finally, someone as crazy as i am!'?
i keep going through people like i am going through books. in the beginning, i love exploring them, i look up new words in the dictionary and i try to understand what i'm reading. after a while i may get a little bit bored, but it is so nice to have something to look forward to every night before going to sleep or every time i hop on a bus, that i just almost always end up carrying on. then, when the end approaches, i start missing them before i really need to. and when i finish reading them, i have other piles waiting to be read.
ah, but people aren't like books. they do not sit on shelves, that's for sure. and they sure as hell do not ever stay the same. change. they change. and so do i.
i keep going through people like i am going through books. in the beginning, i love exploring them, i look up new words in the dictionary and i try to understand what i'm reading. after a while i may get a little bit bored, but it is so nice to have something to look forward to every night before going to sleep or every time i hop on a bus, that i just almost always end up carrying on. then, when the end approaches, i start missing them before i really need to. and when i finish reading them, i have other piles waiting to be read.
ah, but people aren't like books. they do not sit on shelves, that's for sure. and they sure as hell do not ever stay the same. change. they change. and so do i.
joi, 2 mai 2013
i come in layers, like one of those fancy raw vegan cakes. except, i'm not fancy at all. i am just layered. and it takes time getting everybody to get a taste of me. mainly, because only one taste is not enough, you need to try at least three or even four times to get a clue. plus, i usually keep my layers in the freezer over night, so that complicates it all.
marți, 16 aprilie 2013
cotton wool hearts
i have been travelling with my suitcase open for a while now. and it is not that i lost the key to the lock - i have no lock at all. it is not even that the suitcase needed to be aired. not even that i stopped caring about people seeing what's inside. it is just that the only places i get to go to anymore are so close to each other. and i have way too much stuff to unpack and pack again too often.
i think maybe my suitcase is too small for what i have got. i need to go and shop for a new one. or get rid of the stuff - some of it at least. or continue travelling like this. who cares, really?
i feel your breath searching through us when you're least breathing. i feel your thoughts running through our heads when you're least thinking. and i feel your desires rising between us when you're least desiring. and all of this because i've got an open suitcase. tell me then, would you like me to close it? because i wouldn't.
but if you still would like me to close it, i'll have nothing left to do but to clean up my skull and fill it up with cotton wool hearts. the one in my chest won't certainly do anymore. i'll even talk to my other personalities and tell them to do the same. you'll get a cotton wool hearted army. just for you. and your breaths. and your thoughts. but not your desires. those will stay hidden in the suitcase.
above all, make sure you really want what you think you want.
i think maybe my suitcase is too small for what i have got. i need to go and shop for a new one. or get rid of the stuff - some of it at least. or continue travelling like this. who cares, really?
i feel your breath searching through us when you're least breathing. i feel your thoughts running through our heads when you're least thinking. and i feel your desires rising between us when you're least desiring. and all of this because i've got an open suitcase. tell me then, would you like me to close it? because i wouldn't.
but if you still would like me to close it, i'll have nothing left to do but to clean up my skull and fill it up with cotton wool hearts. the one in my chest won't certainly do anymore. i'll even talk to my other personalities and tell them to do the same. you'll get a cotton wool hearted army. just for you. and your breaths. and your thoughts. but not your desires. those will stay hidden in the suitcase.
above all, make sure you really want what you think you want.
joi, 4 aprilie 2013
luni, 25 martie 2013
ciocolată-mă, te rog. pe buze și pe obraji. dar să fie amară.
și dulceață-mă. pe gât și pe umeri.
și mai lămâie-mă. pe brațe și pe degete.
apoi iarbă-mă. pe sâni și pe coapse.
și curcubeu-mă. pe tălpi și prin vise.
și dulceață-mă. pe gât și pe umeri.
și mai lămâie-mă. pe brațe și pe degete.
apoi iarbă-mă. pe sâni și pe coapse.
și curcubeu-mă. pe tălpi și prin vise.
marți, 19 martie 2013
lemon water
aseară am visat că m-ai sărutat pe fugă, după care mi-ai furat sânul stâng. iar în locul lui îmi vedeam inima cum bate. ai acoperit golul cu mâna ta dreaptă și ai început să-mi mângâi inima.
joi, 14 martie 2013
fireflies and dragonflies
- just admit it. you didn't want to stay.
- i guess i did. but i also wanted to leave so that i have a reason to come back.
- are you sure?
- no. but then again. no one ever is.
- about anything ..
- yes.
- and now what?
- now we lay on the ground and watch the world move.
- fireflies
- and dragonflies.
- no empty skies.
- not anymore, no.
- my hands were always cold when you were gone. it is so strange how they're not anymore. it is as if they also knew you were gone.
- sometimes hands know more than people ever come to know.
- i guess i did. but i also wanted to leave so that i have a reason to come back.
- are you sure?
- no. but then again. no one ever is.
- about anything ..
- yes.
- and now what?
- now we lay on the ground and watch the world move.
- fireflies
- and dragonflies.
- no empty skies.
- not anymore, no.
- my hands were always cold when you were gone. it is so strange how they're not anymore. it is as if they also knew you were gone.
- sometimes hands know more than people ever come to know.
miercuri, 13 martie 2013
să ne urcăm unul în inima celuilalt. sau să le legăm cu un hamac, inimile. și să ne legănăm în el de câte ori avem chef. așa, chiar de am pleca din inimile noastre, am fi legați de ele mereu.
- vreau să te sărut, dar nu mai am aer.
- nu-i nimic, am eu pentru amândoi.
în decembrie ochii, în iunie inimile. le-am deschis.
- vreau să te fumez, dar nu mai am foc.
- mănâncă-mă, atunci.
- în hamac.
- cu podul palmei lipit de inima mea.
- și cu tălpile de a mea.
iarbă de ieri și flori de azi. doar noi de mâine.
- vreau să te sărut, dar nu mai am aer.
- nu-i nimic, am eu pentru amândoi.
în decembrie ochii, în iunie inimile. le-am deschis.
- vreau să te fumez, dar nu mai am foc.
- mănâncă-mă, atunci.
- în hamac.
- cu podul palmei lipit de inima mea.
- și cu tălpile de a mea.
iarbă de ieri și flori de azi. doar noi de mâine.
luni, 4 martie 2013
carrot sight
i sometimes pour carrot juice in my head - usually in the morning. they say carrots are good for your eyes. so it must help mine see better. even if seeing something takes sometimes several years.
i now see you clearly. and by you i mean me. it may seem complicated, but it isn't.
it's like i'm a whole new person, but i am the same. and it's like you're a whole new person, but you're still the same. some people travel in order to achieve that. all i did was juice some carrots.
and it is so warm in here, between us. it feels like summer in the winter. some kilometers here and there we still have to work on. but other than that, all is yellow. or orange. or white. or even purple. depending on the type of carrot we choose to juice in the morning.
luni, 14 ianuarie 2013
sâmbătă, 12 ianuarie 2013
remember the sound of my silence
despite all the noise in your head
walk me through your dreams
so that i dream, too
run me through your fears
so that you fear less
cut yourself from me
then reattach us back
will you please cry my eyes out?
and get rid of all the tears
i don't need them anymore
put them in a purple jar
close the lid and hide it
or don't
but please don't ever go to sleep
without me again.
despite all the noise in your head
walk me through your dreams
so that i dream, too
run me through your fears
so that you fear less
cut yourself from me
then reattach us back
will you please cry my eyes out?
and get rid of all the tears
i don't need them anymore
put them in a purple jar
close the lid and hide it
or don't
but please don't ever go to sleep
without me again.
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