miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011


funny how i feel so close to you while you're so far away. and how i think you're far away when you're so close to me. why did people have to invent kilometers? or distance? and closeness? it just doesn't make sense. unless i close my eyes. then nothing else matters. except your breath. except your face and your hands. and mine.

have you ever wished for distance to evaporate? i have. it would be so much easier. people would be happier. we would be happier. you'd be right around the corner. and i wouldn't have to sip through a glass of red tea in order to realize i miss you. i would just get up and walk towards you. wouldn't i?

how would you like it to live in a world with no dimensions? would it matter to you if we had no bodies? or would you just be happy to feel me near you? would you?

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ecler cu cremă la temperatura camerei

îmi este dor să plâng. de fapt, nu știu dacă îmi este dor să plâng, cât îmi este dor să simt. ceva. îmi este dor să simt ceva atât de intens...