miercuri, 8 iunie 2016


all the words that we ever said to each other were previously said before.
all the thoughts that we thought were thought before.
all the fights that we fought were fought before.
and all the hopes that we hoped were hoped before.
this world may seem new to you, but it is as old as we'll ever know it.

in this old world, we do not belong together. you have your lion pride, i have my wolfpack. you roar atop the sunrise, i howl under the moonlight. as electric as the sun might get, it will never find a place for both of us under itself. you belong in the light, i belong in the dark. that is just how it is supposed to be.

but someday this world will collapse. and a new one will appear from under the ashes. i will meet you on the outside of the forest in the new world. right before the dawn, when hearts speak most honestly. and when the skin has a mind of its own. i will meet you in the new world, ready to break all the rules there are. ready to take on a brand new life. in the new world.

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ecler cu cremă la temperatura camerei

îmi este dor să plâng. de fapt, nu știu dacă îmi este dor să plâng, cât îmi este dor să simt. ceva. îmi este dor să simt ceva atât de intens...