sâmbătă, 11 septembrie 2010

Offer them a shoulder to cry on

No one should suffer. Or cry. Or wait in vain. But they do. And then what can you do, eh? But sitting there by their side, offering them a shoulder to cry on, saying comforting words, even if they are not true and even if you do not truly believe in them. It is about them - the ones who fate hasn't been as generous with as it has been with you. It does not make them any different, it just challenges them more. It gives them an opportunity to become stronger than anyone, day by day, tear by tear, hope by hope. Still, no one should suffer.

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ecler cu cremă la temperatura camerei

îmi este dor să plâng. de fapt, nu știu dacă îmi este dor să plâng, cât îmi este dor să simt. ceva. îmi este dor să simt ceva atât de intens...