vineri, 21 septembrie 2012

fairy tales

then i remember the pause. your pause. my words may come in many colors and shapes, but without your punctuation, they hardly mean anything. as simple as that.

luni, 10 septembrie 2012


the question isn't whether or not i will be staying here any longer.
because i will.
the question is whether or not you will.
and if you will, well,
then i suppose there are no questions left.

unless of course
you've got some unfinished business
you have to attend here and there.
because crazy people tend to.
and if that will be the case,
we can always watch the rocks grow.

they have rocks on the moon, too, you know.
the problem with the moon, though,
is that you can only get there if you're happy.
other than that, everything is fine.
incredibly grey and cheap, but fine.

duminică, 2 septembrie 2012

such junk, such junk.

if it scares you, then it means you have no choice left but to do it, to fight it. and if it feels like you have no strength left, it's because you have not used it in too long of a while. and because you made yourself believe it's gone.

other than that, you should be ok. lift your head up. even the weakest flowers lift theirs every morning.

ecler cu cremă la temperatura camerei

îmi este dor să plâng. de fapt, nu știu dacă îmi este dor să plâng, cât îmi este dor să simt. ceva. îmi este dor să simt ceva atât de intens...