duminică, 20 mai 2012
please say it again
and unbe
a colorless
a selfish
dry tear.
you are some fire.
in need for some air.
just some.
too bad i am not.
just some.
joi, 17 mai 2012
hument developman
Even though your looks betray your adult age, you are a child. You fear everything these days. You have so many choices .. yet you dwell on your fears and let others choose for you. You do not count the days, but count the years instead. You forget your dreams, but remember your sorrows. You sing your uncertainties, but mumble your wishes. You write your pain down, but erase the joy. You are the biggest fool I know! And still you mean the world to me.
You fear .. everybody. Especially yourself. And your colors. You are still looking for them. Desperately. In every corner of yourself. You should get out of yourself for a while and see that you are just fine. And that you are just as colorful as everybody else. Except maybe, that you are even more colorful than the rest. Your colors shine. Your colors have got texture. And smell. And memories. But in order to see that, you need to stop covering them with your doubt. Or your tears. As soon as you get rid of these, everybody will be able to see your colors. And, more importantly, you will be able to see your colors. To feel and touch them. To reunite with them .. with yourself, really. Just get rid of the pain.
You are so young. And foolish. Stay like that! You’ll have time acting smart when you are old. As for now .. forget what they told you in school .. forget the rules. Be crazy. Be wild. Be different. Act as if you were your own imaginary friend. As if you were the person you always wanted to have by your side. Become your imagination! There is no time to waste! Not for you, no. Grab it by the ropes and stick with yourself, because you are the most important thing that is ever going to happen to you!
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